Preparing for your PUPPY'S ARRIVAL
Welcoming a new puppy is an exciting, challenging and hugely rewarding time. If you’re well prepared, you can help your puppy settle faster and it’ll be more enjoyable for you too.

Getting ready FOR YOUR PUPPY
There’s lots of things to do before you collect your puppy to make sure you’re ready for their arrival. As well as buying important equipment for them, it’s vital to make appropriate preparations at home too. Key things to consider are:

Puppies are curious and love to explore, so it’s important you make sure your home’s safe and secure for before you collect your new arrival. Here’s our checklist to help you prepare your home for your puppy.

Many common houseplants are very dangerous for dogs and puppies, including, lilies, aloe vera, ivy, dieffenbachia, caladium, pothos, zamioculcas, cyclamen. It’s best to either keep all houseplants out of the way of your puppy, or double check to make sure yours don’t pose a threat for them.
Your puppy will enjoy spending time outdoors, so you’ll need to make sure your garden’s safe for them to explore too. Here are some important things to consider.

Before your puppy arrives, make sure you have everything you need to care for them and help them settle into their new home. Here are the essentials.
Choose one that’s easy to clean and will suit your puppy as they grow.
These are useful for cleaning up any accidents, so make sure to get plenty in stock.
As an adult, your dog must have enough room to stand up, turn around, lie down and stretch out in their crate.
Stainless steel bowls work well as they can’t be chewed, are easy to clean and don’t rust, chip or break. Noise sensitive puppies may prefer plastic bowls.
Initially, this should be the same food your puppy's being fed before you collect them.
Choose the right PUPPY FOOD
Puppies have very delicate digestive systems and sudden changes in their diet can cause digestive upsets or even make them wary of their food. For this reason, it’s best to feed your puppy the same food as their previous owner for the first few days while they settle. Then you can slowly introduce your choice of puppy food that should support your puppy's growth.
Having the right diet is crucial for a puppy’s health, growth and development. At each stage, they need specific nutrients in precise quantities according to their breed size. So we recommend selecting a high quality puppy food based on your puppy’s age and expected adult size.

How to switch to NEW PUPPY FOOD
When you’re ready to move to a new puppy food, make the transition slowly over a week-long period.
The importance of PUPPY NUTRITION
Learn how crucial your puppy’s diet is in helping them grow into healthy adults.

Preparing your family and PETS FOR YOUR PUPPY
There’s lots to consider when bringing a puppy into your household to ensure everyone stays safe and your puppy settles smoothly.
Learn the best way to introduce your puppy to children, older family members, visitors and existing pets.
Find a VET
It's important to have identified a local vet before collecting your puppy. Find a vet near you.

The first day together with your pet are a chance to create a healthy foundation for their future.