Preparing for your kitten’s arrival
Moving to a new home is a big change for your kitten. To help them settle and stay safe in their new environment, it’s really important to get prepared.
Getting ready for your kitten
Before collecting your kitten, there’s lots to do to ensure you’re ready for their arrival. As well as buying the right equipment, you’ll need to prepare your home and family too. Key things to consider are:
- Kitten-proofing your home and garden
- Buying the right kitten kit, such as a carry case, litter tray and toys
- Choosing appropriate kitten food
- Preparing your family, pets and visitors for your new addition
- Finding a vet

How to kitten-proof your house
Kittens love to climb, explore and hide. So it’s vital to do some safeguarding in your home before you collect your kitten to make sure it’s safe for them. Here’s our checklist to help you get prepared.

1.Toxic houseplants
There are some houseplants, like lilies, for instance, that can be toxic for your cat. Ask your vet for a full list and, ideally, remove them from the house before the arrival of the kitten.
2.Toilets and bins
To prevent your kitten falling into your toilets or bins, make sure you keep the lids down. Also keep your kitten away from bin bag strings as they may become tangled in them or swallow them.
3.Dangerous substances
Make sure medicines, cleaning products and other toxic substances are stored safely way. Some flea treatments for dogs are dangerous for cats and antifreeze is particularly lethal for them.
4.Hiding places
Kittens tend to hide in places like laundry baskets, tumble driers and under furniture. Spot the places where your kitten’s likely to hide and either block them off or be careful as you move around your home to make sure they don’t get trapped.
5.Electrical cables and sockets
To prevent your kitten from chewing on cables or getting tangled in wires, hide them away by using covers or cable ties. Also remember to shield plug sockets with covers.
6.Poisonous foods
Some of the foods that are healthy or enjoyable for humans can be poisonous for cats or cause digestive issues. These include onions, garlic, raw eggs, raw meat, chocolate, cow’s milk, grapes and raisins. So keep your food out of your kitten’s reach and make sure your family knows they should only feed them kitten food.
7.Small objects
Put away any small items, such as buttons or children’s toys, that your kitten could swallow. Also be careful not to leave plastic bags or foam objects around as your kitten may chew on them and choke.
How to kitten-proof your garden
Your kitten won’t go outside initially, but it’s important to make sure your garden’s safe ready for when they do. Here are the important things to take care of:

1.Fencing and gates
Your kitten will soon be able to climb over fences and gates. But in case your garden is fully enclosed it’s worth making sure there are no holes they can escape through while they’re small.
2.Toxic garden plants
As with houseplants, many outdoor plants are poisonous to cats. Even if your cat avoids them, they may brush against the pollen and lick it from their fur. To be safe, ask your vet for a list and remove the plants that present a risk.
Inspect your garden for anything your kitten could injure themselves on or anywhere they could get stuck.
4.Ponds and water features
It’s safest to keep ponds with steep sides and water features covered to prevent your kitten falling in and drowning or drinking the water.
5.Tools and small objects
Check your garden for small objects that your kitten could swallow or choke on. And lock away your sharp garden tools.
6.Dangerous substances
Store all garden chemicals, such as fertilisers, insecticides, paints and solvents, safely away in a locked area.
Things you'll need for your kitten
Before your kitten arrives, makes sure you have everything you need to care for them and help them settle into their new home. Here are the essentials.
The best kitten food to begin with
Your kitten’s digestive system will be very sensitive, so changing their diet suddenly could give them an upset stomach and may even make them wary of their food. At first, it’s best to give them the same diet their previous owner gave them.
Choosing the right food for your kitten is crucial as it’s essential for their health and development. As they grow, they need a precise balance of nutrients at each stage, including protein, vitamins and minerals.
How to switch to new kitten food
A few days after your kitten's arrival, you will be able to gradually introduce them to new food. When switching to a new kitten food, make sure you take it slowly over a week-long period.

Kitten feeding and nutrition
Setting positive feeding habits and ensuring your kitten is getting the right nutrients in their diet is vital for a long and healthy life together.

Preparing your family and pets for your kitten
Kittens can easily be overwhelmed or even terrified by encounters with other animals and people, so it’s vital you prepare everyone in your household in the right way.
Collecting and welcoming your kitten
The first days together with your pet are a chance to create a healthy foundation for their future.
Find a vet
It's important to have identified a local vet before collecting your kitten. Find a vet near you.